Tuesday, May 17, 2011
another year after
Hoping to see them this year.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Happy Mother's day
Thank you for taking good care of me,
to my brothers and sisters.
Thank you for your love and for everything!
Mother is unconditional love
A teacher who guide us our path and our treasure.
Mom, you're so special
You are simply the best.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Just beautiful
I took this picture just before the winter. I find it beautiful! Those are ducks, they migrate to warm country before start the cold winter. It's just amazing, they always fly with V form.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Rainy day
So no more sun for my laundry to dry today, have to put them to the dryer..hu hu.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Summer is on the air!
My agenda for today:
*laundry and hang it outside under the sun :-)
*cleaning the house
*give shower to my 2 dogs
I think that will be enough for today.
Have a nice day everyone...
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
foreign language
So ok, as per order from the manager, I have to write name and surname per person.
So now, I came to their table with pen and paper and ask nicely of course name per person. In dutch some have easy names but mostly have difficult names ( for foreigner's like me) but i am still learning the language. The first person name,was easy so that was fine, and the next is so difficult name and I have no idea how to spell it so I ask him can you write it for me, but he does'nt want to write, and it seems he find it annoying.
Then I find it arrogant and unfriendly, luckily the next lady set beside him offer to write it for me, I thank her so much. I dont understand why there are people who dont have understanding for a foreigner who live in their country not enough long and therefore still cant speak the language fluently.
Is that because they even dont speak other languages and therefore they dont even appreciate you that you can speak reasonable their language?
I mean dutch is not an easy language as english.
In my case, if i hear a foreigner who can speak my own language, then I find it great,and give him a compliment, appreciate him.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Here we go carnival a very busy days, and i'm so tired from work have to work till 1o hours a day...i'm totally knock-out so today is time for rest, household chores and blogging.
Carnival in the Netherlands is also called "Vastenavond" or "Vastelaovend", and is most celebrated in Catholic regions, mainly the southern provinces North Brabant and Limburg. Dutch Carnival is celebrated on the Saturday through Tuesday preceding Ash Wednesday. Although traditions vary from town to town, some common characteristics of Dutch Carnival include a parade, a "prince" plus cortège ("Council of 11"), a farmer's wedding (boerenbruiloft), and eating herring (haring happen) on Ash Wednesday.
One variant of Dutch Carnival is known as the Rijnlandsche Carnival, which can be seen in the province of Limburg. The province's capital of Maastricht holds a street carnival featuring elaborate costumes that resemble some South American and Venecian influences. Intentionally amateurish marchingbands ('Zaate Hermeniekes' or 'Drunken Marching Bands') traditionally perform on the streets. In recent years samba bands have become more popular.
The oldest-known Dutch carnival festivities date from 1385 in 's-Hertogenbosch. They are depicted in several paintings by 15th-century painter Jheronimus Bosch. During the three days of the carnival, 's-Hertogenbosch changes its name to "Oeteldonk," which means "Frog Hill." This name changing tradition is common in and around NoordBrabant.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
after vacation
I'm happy to be back again from vacation.
We did enjoy swimming in the sea and exploring around the island. The beaches are fantastic blue and pure white sand.It's a colorfull island in the caribbean and warm the whole year but above 33-34 degrees is too warm for me. Near to the sea is of course not so warm as the wind blows always.
The island is colony of the Netherlands,nice to see the old dutch architectures. Of course there are still many dutch on the island for business and to live.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
a short escape to Caribbean
I will be leaving tomorrow for a short vacation in the Caribbean, If I have time, or If I have good internet connection then i will do some updates.
Just a short escape from cold winter to warm.
Till my next post, and have nice weekend everyone!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
skin allergies
The doctor said it is an atopic eczema. My skin is getting so dry due from high heater temperature and makes also the air so dry. We have a humidifier but we seldom use it , starting yesterday it has to be in used.
It is also not advisable to use more bath soaps,body lotion, shampoo and too long in the shower with too warm water.
I am now using special skin creams prescribed by the doctor.
In the Philippines, I'm not having this kind of skin problems because it is a tropical country and also with very high humidity.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
skin problems and care
I keep going to my housedoctor and this is now my three times in a year, I got already several medications like skin creams, anti-itch pills to stop the itches and hypoallergenic bath soap but it may stop for a week but it keeps coming back.
It's terrible and very uncomfort.
So I decided to make appointment to my housedoctor to provide me an authorization to go to the dermatology clinic (skin specialist) here in the Netherlands.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sending money to the Philippines
So if i send 100 euros it cost me 28 euros, and even I send only 50 euros so more than the half is the cost? And it takes at least 7 working days that money will be in the Philippine bank account. This is serious!
Here are the list i checked about their money transfer charges to the Philippines:
1.ABN-AMRO- 5.50 euros
2.SNS bank - 7 euros
3.Western-union money transfer - 17 euros ( and you get the money right after a minute of transaction)
So, we went to my bank and ask why they charge me so high compared to the other banks here in the Netherlands? ever higher than western union.
Ok fine, they said we will handle working with your complain, we will call you soon we found the details.
Well the next day they call and says, that is really their normal charges.
It's unbelievable! So We decided to make an official complain per writting direct to the main office.
Has anyone experiencing the same?
Your input is highly appreciated.
Thank you.
Friday, January 21, 2011
A good news of the day
I spoke with my lady boss ( see my previous post) and now she is going to take an action which is fair to everybody.
I usually optismistic when its come having a problem, because I always believe that " in every problem there is always a solution".
Thursday, January 20, 2011
bad news at my work
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Meet-ups and new friends
All of us speaks the same mother tougue language,so it is very fine socializing with, i mean is easier in the conversation. We are still in difficulties to speak and understand the dutch language, so have some break, some food, some conversation using our own mother toungue language.
See you all soon.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
being far away
The very first time i leave my country to work to other country when i was 23, it was really hard time. But after you are used to be always away from home then it will be easier, i can easily adjust to handle it now.
But, it is not always that easy, sometimes for example now my Pa has to be hospitalized and undergo for surgery this month because of his hernia. But still not able to make an appointment for his surgery because he is a high blood too. Now the doctor prescribed such an expensive medication and told my Ma to buy it only to the specific pharmacy which is the known one of the expensive pharmacy in the country, and without knowing of my Ma, she just followed what the doctor says. In some situations, the doctor prescribed also an expensive branded medicines and demand that no generics, what about the poor people like me is not able to pay those, we just die then? luckily i have a work now,and i have to work, work and work hard for it to be able to pay those expenses. Its ridiculous that the doctors do this way, I mean,we have the right to find which pharmacy is cheaper and where we decide to buy.
It is clear that doctor is receiving a reward from this expensive pharmacy. How i wish, i can be easily and cheaply get there, to handle myself this kind of situation.
Monday, January 10, 2011
My excuses to all
I have to buy new one, thank you to my husband who sponsored for new.
Then,I have to wait one week of delivery, so more delayed.
Thanx I have it now, and be able blogging again.